
안성미 + 고아라

: These are so many effing pomegranates.
: I know, and its just from one too.
(a while later)
: Hey, do you think if we took all these pomegranates and blended them..
: Yeah! Like "POM".
: Just like it. We could sell it in Mexico.
: And call it "Pam".
: Yes. Or "Pim". Or "-Granate". You know, finish what they started.
: Yeahhhh... Granate sounds like the name of some girl from Scotland. We could put her on the cover of our bottle. Or a girl who yodels.
: Omgosh, did you ever watch The Sound of Music?
: ...Yes, but I don't remember anything from it.
: You don't remember when they have the puppet show with the yodeling??
: No... All I remember is that they sang, "DO, a deer, a female deer."
: Haha, I remember that. The children say it like, "DO, A DEE-AH, A FEMALE DEE-AH."
: RE~ a drop of golden sun~ MI~
: A name, I call myself~
: June!
: ...What?
: Oh shoot! Hahah I forgot... I thought we were doing months.

Attention deficit disorder affects many.

Brian: "i was sick all day, and then i read ur post and i was happy"
